Saturday night, dear and i went to eat supper at Geylang. We ate at a shop name Geylang Claypot, it were full house but the crew there were kind enough to help us find a table at a very wulu street behind the shop. And we waited for 20-30mins for our food, but it is worth waiting. After we place our order, we realise that we order too much, i was so full! It was quite expensive , 3 dish at $60. But the toufu is really really nice, probably one of the best dish i had ate. The fish also not bad, but quite dissapointed wit the claypot rice.
Meisa Kuroki debut Like this, never know that she can sing and dance. She is the girl that act in 1 pound of gospel and Crowns Zero.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Some random photos taken in classJas and me See wat xinying wear. Jingshan, Huiping and me
Ayaka Okaeri live performance. Zettai Kareshi theme song. She is so talented! Her new album Sing to the Sky is really nice.
Yui new Pv Summer Song. I can feel that summer has come!!! My favorite season. I want to go back to those day when we met and laugh together
Arashi new song One Love Ms performance. Love this song!!! Althought i dun really crazy in arashi... This song is a song that full of happiness, so sweet. I love this sentence Seikai juu ni tada hitori dake boku wa kimi o eranda I chose only you one to be all over the world.
Found this interesting this video, Aerosmith - I Don´t Want To Miss A Thing live in Music Staion.
Thanks jess for helping me to get this movie! It is really touching, somehow i felt that it is better than Ps I love you. It is a must watch! And i had watched this movie Mari and the 3 puppies. I was a true story happen in Japan... I dun think this is out in Singapore yet. Quite touching, how the dog save their owner. Ya, I want to watch 10 promise but why no night slot!!!!
I watched Zettai Kareshi last ep, damm touching! How it end the drama let me feel that it will have part2.. There are a special final ep for last friend but is just a summary for the whole drama so i just keep forwarding. I appreciate how they love their friends.
And ya, from this week onward monday have no class, so there will be 1 more day for me to rest, so happi!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Went to Serangonon Garden for supper with dear and his friends yesterday. See this super large sugar cane, it is about 3 of the normal size.
School started, Project coming in -_-"
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Watched both Don't mess with Zohan and Get Smart, both movie are really funny but i like Get Smart more, the story is much more better than Zohan. And there are some scene in Get Smart were taken at Frank Gehry Walt Disney Concert Hall.
Namie and Double - Black Diamond. Love this Mv so much! Sexyy!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Aoyama Thelma new song Nando mo, very nice song!
Just watched Last Friends last ep and Zettai Kareshi ep 10, can't wait for the last ep of Zettai Kareshi! My Jdrama spring 2008 rank, 1. Last Friends 2. Zettai Kareshi 3. Gokusen3 4. Change I watch so few drama this season, this is a list of drama i wanted to watch next season, 1. Code Blue ( Yamapi!!!! Aragaki Yui!!!, Erika Toda)<-MUST WATCH! 2. Seigi no mikata ( Yamada Yu, Mirai Shida) 3.Shibatora ( Teppei) 4.Lotto 6 de San-oku Ni-senman En Ateta Otoko (I always like takashi drama) 5. Koizora Drama Ver!!! 6. Mahou(Ikuta toma) Look like i got alot's of drama to watch next season Kurosagi still store inside my com, have no time to watch it!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Went to sentosa yesterday. Luckily it was a sunny day! hui ping and mefunny lah this picGroup shotXinying carrying me ^_^On our way back
And i bought a new handphone, G900, i wanted a cybershot phone for a long time. I choose the red one, cos brown one is to common le. And before i end this post, Happy 4years 8month anniversary, Dear! Love you so much!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Went out wit lynna yesterday, never meet her for a long time. And i bought eye lashes again ^_^
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, went to sing K until 3am. Monday, wake up at 8 and went to school to do assignment, not enough sleep -_-
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Working yesterday, after work went to casurina curry and eat prata^_^ I bought something again^_^ I love this shoe! New contact lens Dueba Grey, to replace my Eclipse Grey. I still prefer Eclipse Grey.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Went to school yesterday morning after that meet dear , we went to the IT show, it kinda boring. After that we watched "THE HULK", 3.5/5, the front part was boring. I still prefer iron man, and why is iron man appear inside this movie? Billy Bombers^_^ This wing taste really bad. Starbucks new drink, Dark Cocoa Mocha Flappicino. I love this!!!!! Must Try! Shopping! Thanks dear for buying me the Chanel Powder. I love to put on fake eyelashes now, usually i don't, becos my eyelash drop, and that's a hole in between, when will my eyelash grow back-_-' So sad. It doesn't look like a holiday to me, still got tons of assignment!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Yesterday, i went out to buy strawberry and bueno for my packaging project.
See the strawberry, look so sweet.
Angela aki new song Tegami, it is such a nice song.
I will try to do the report today!
You make me feel so heart broken.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Went out shopping yesterday, i didn't brought any clothes -_-'
Having lunch at the Korean restaurant at Far East.
Red and Black Series Grey Series Xinying new hairstyle Soup Noodle, I love the food there, great taste, service and price!
Hui Ping and me.
After that, i meet dear and we had our dinner at xinwang
Bake rice! one of my favorite food!
Bought this kose massaging gel yesterday, went to the counter last month but it was out of stock.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Yesterday went to fashion bar and i was drunk, totally drunk! Sorry friends for cosing u all so much trouble, Love you all! I hope everyone will stay happy always! I believe that any problem we face now is one of the process of growing. I will be there for u if u all need me,k.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Yesterday after school, went to amk hub to watch Sex and the city, i love this movie! Their friendship is so strong. See the kungfu panda cup, we brought it to school today
Evon and me 1 more day to holiday! I want to spend the following 2 weeks happily^_^