Ice-cream I bought this top yesterday and straight away change it, cos dear also wearing blue. Haha
So big le still play arcade -_-"
Watched Wall-E, it a fantastic movie! So touching. It is as good as Nemo.
After that went to Ikea and buy things
then we have our dinner at there 15 meatball Salmon Salad^_^
This few days i keep watching a HK drama "Moonlight Resonance", super nice de!!!
Going to do my nails later, then after that going to work.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Today need to pack finish all my stuff, moving house on sunday.
Tml Dear off, gonna go Ikea (Yeah! meat ball) after that gonna watch Wall E ^_^
Monday, August 25, 2008
See this video!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Yesterday after work went to pastamania and eat supper...Salad^_^ Dear dear Saw this big Hana yori Dango Final poster, also saw the trailier. Can't wait to watch!!! Watched "Boku no kanojo wa Cyborg" Super nice de!!! 4.5/5Must Watch! So funny and touching. And the storyline is very interesting, u will not expect the ending will be like tat. Ayase Haruka is so cute wit short hair!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
KimiZora I had read finish the whole book le,this is another ver of KoiZora, it is Hiro dairy.
New lashes
See my messy drawer.
RMK have launch in Singapore at Scotts Isetan, wanted to get their base and foundation, many good review. But Hong Kong RMK is much more cheaper, maybe will get it there.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Stay at home the whole day, do the p board for the mint competition. Working tml till sunday-_- I wan to watch "watashi no kanojo wa Cyborg", when will i be free to watch??? I love Ayase, she is so cute! I have deleted so many j drama for this season in my com, really dun feel like watching.... Now only left Coda Blue and Seigi no Mikata. Code Blue is getting better and better, i hope next season drama will be better. Watched Fated to love u ep 23, so touching, finally they can be together, next week is the last ep le T_T
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Yesterday went to IKEA, wanted to buy a wardrobe. Then after that we went to Hort Park, first time there, quite interesting. The bridge is so nice, the colour will keep on changing
Heart shape
Dear think he is a superman. ^_^-_-"
So nice.
Can't figure out how to play this. Overall, Hort park is a great place, u can find many interesting plant there. And if u cross over the bridge, u can walk to the Fort canning park which is 2.6 km ahead.
Before that Ikea
my 1st time to the Ikea restaurant 2 of us order so many food my salmon salad I love the meat ball so much! The red colour thing is jam, although you might think it is wierd but surprisingly it was delicious.
Going to work now T_T
Saturday, August 16, 2008
My new dress Working yesterday, after work head to dg to eat dou hua, nothing much.
Going out later!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Stay at home the whole day, watched a few drama "Seigi no Mikata, Lotto 6 de 3 oku 2 senman En Ateta Otoko and Code Blue" I am so so dissapointed with this season drama, so boring! Also watched "Ayumi hamasaki countdown tour 2007-2008" Disc1, I love this concert so much! It is so much better than the Secret tour 07, I love Ayu when she perform Surreal and Together When. Only that why all the outfit look similar in the Pv! And the eye-catching stage design, it have been so long since Ayu open her tour at Tokyo Dome.
Tokyo Dome is so big compare to the Arena And i going to watch both 20 & 21 of Ayu Asia Tour 08, So excited!
Mika Nakashima form a new band Mica 3, this is their debut I don't know
Cooked Maggie Mee for myself, put many onion and lettuce ^_^ Recieved the Sample from fr3b Working later -_-"
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I found a interesting website
You can get free sample from there. You only need to paid for the postage.
U can find the link of the site at the side of my blog ^_^
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sunday & Monday
Presentation and K Box
Last presentation of this semester! And ya, from today onwards it's holiday! 2 months of holiday!
Went to sing k after school today, it was fun!
New accessories ^_^
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Presentation was fine yesterday, luckily never say something wrong. Then at nite went to watch Journey to the center of the world, i expected it to be much more better, rate 3.4/5. To me, it's like a movie for kid to watch.
If you happen to pass by the orchard station underpass, u will see the new Shiseido Maquillage advertisement! So nice!
Yuri Ebihara is always 1 of my favourite model! and this time shiseido also use Agyness Deyn.
Going to touch up my report now, i feel that there are many thing for me to touch up -_- Sian, assignment will never be finish.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Finally watched The Dark Knight, I like this movie, rate 4.2/5.
Someone is going to accompany me to Hong Kong, i am not alone le, haha!
Only left 2 assignment to hand up(excluding a holiday assignment and redo of a report) and it is holiday! Today rush down to DG to print my p board for my major project, and rush back for the logo presentation, damm rush de la. Everyone in the class seen to be very busy today.
And tml is the presentation for my major project, so scary!!! I hope everything goes well tml. Good luck to me!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Wat is the best path for us? The past is so sweet, but we can never go back, we just have to move on. I believe in wat i feel.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Lots' of work!!! Most of the assignment need to hand up in this week.
Watched The Mummy 3, not bad, rate 3.8.
Actually i dun like holiday, cos school is fun.
Ayaka & Kobukuro new song anata to, i still prefer winding road
Winding Road Pv
Kobukuro haven release any song for very long T_T
Here a interesting video i found. Ayaka and thelma singing Soba ni iru ne. Two talented gal duet. I always love ayaka voice!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Today no school, but still need to work... T_T
I dun know wat to say, but i just realise one thing. Maybe the time have come, how i wish i am strong enough to do so. Actually i know very clearly wat i think, but i just not brave enough to make the decision. Everyone wan to be themselves but it is not easy to do so.
my new dress
I wan to try to finish up my prototype tml! Yeah! tml no school, no work, gonna let myself relax.