Here are the jdrama of Winter08 that i watching now

Casting: Karina, Hiraoka Yuta, Fukuda Saki
Best drama of this season. Very touching, i cry when i watch the 1st ep. Kurina is the one who act Hiro sister in Koizora
Binbo Danshi

Casting:Oguri Shun, Yamada Yu, Miura Haruma
1 of my top 3 drama of this season. Super funny! Oguri Shun is very cute! Miura Haruma look very different from KOIZORA. He is going to act in Gakusen 3, can't wait to watch that!!!
Mirai Koshi Meguru

Casting:Fukada Kyoko, Katsuji Ryo
1 of my top3 jdrama in this season.. It a comedy drama, the story is very interesting.Kyoko still look very cute no matter how old are her.
And the theme song is very very nice, Sakura by yanawarabe
1 Pound no Fukuin

Casting: Kazuya Kamenashi, Kuroki Meisa, Yamada Ryosuke,
This drama come from a comic, it is a comedy and romance drama. Personally think that it's a very Johnny's style drama. I love the theme song LIPS by kattun, here the pv, I love kayuza, jin and uedo

Casting: Miyazaki Aoi, Hideaki Takizawa, and alots alots more
A 50 ep long drama, very high viewing rate in japan. I like Miyazaki Aoi since she act as hachi in NANA1.
Bara no nai Hanaya

Edison no Haha
Casting:Ito Misaki
Hachimitsu to Clover
Casting: narumi riko, ikuta toma, harada natsuki, mukai osamu, narimiya hiroki
Friendship and Romance Drama. Narumi Riko 1st time lead in a drama, i like her since she act in 1 litre of tears. Ikuta Toma,i still prefer he in Hanazakari no kimitachi e. Overall not a bad drama.

Cast: katori shingo, takeuchi yuko,matsuda shoda
Romance Drama, abit boring if you dun like to watch jdrama.
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